Mon installation pour la classe virtuelle

Mon objectif : que les élèves qui se connectent à la classe virtuelle avec un smartphone puissent lire (en utilisant si nécessaire le zoom) un document posé sur mon bureau ou un tableau filmé avec un smartphone.

  1. Il vous faut un support de bureau pour votre smartphone (tout bricolage maison pouvant aussi faire l’affaire tant qu’il ne met pas en danger votre matériel ^^) :
Le logiciel VLC permet de lire le flux vidéo rtsp du smartphone, il suffit ensuite de partager la fenêtre VLC dans la classe virtuelle.

2. Installer un serveur rtsp (real time streaming protocol) sur le smartphone, par exemple :

3. Installer le logiciel VLC puis ouvrir le flux rtsp de votre smartphone.

4. Partager la fenêtre VLC ou votre écran de PC dans la classe virtuelle.

Remarques :

  • on peut aussi utiliser une application de conférence entre le smartphone et le pc, puis partager la fenêtre de conférence dans la classe virtuelle.
  • on peut utiliser plusieurs cameras :
  • cette méthode fonctionne avec d’autres outils qui proposent le partage d’écran.
  • cette méthode s’applique aussi aux échanges culinaires, artistiques, bricolatoires ou ludiques 🙂

Avez besoin de plus de détails ?

COVID19 – Africa: act quickly!

The COVID19 epidemic is spreading with many small clusters in Africa, however there is still time to master the situation by rapidly deploying significant resources on a reduced geographic scale, and to draw valuable lessons from this experience. Indeed, these clusters probably look like all the epidemic starts that we may have to face in the future.

If we do not act very quickly, the consequences of our inaction will not only haunt our consciences, they could also overtake us and cost us dearly. To take the measure of the urgency, I suggest that you reason for a few seconds as an economist :

If you had a debt of 1 € with 20, 30 or 40% (current growth rates in emerging clusters) of interest per day , how long would you let it grow before reacting?

Obviously and fortunately, an epidemic cannot grow exponentially for 1 year!

What if we could easily stop the epidemic in these countries by immediately providing them with the best known systemic response in rich and experienced countries?

Can we overcome our economic or cultural reluctance and forget the possible derogatory connotation of the concept of charity?

Could we offer to these high-risk areas a global effort to feed, monitor and confine very vulnerable populations for a few weeks?

It is certainly doable on a very small scale, impossible if we wait too long.

It is not only a humanist and united action, it is also and above all a strategic response to a risk that threatens our societies and our economies. We must be able to devote a fraction of our wealth to guaranteeing a confined life that is bearable for vulnerable populations that are still few in number, otherwise we risk losing much more.

I know that it is difficult to think of helping other countries at a time when we are barely counting our missing. I just beg you to believe that this experience will strengthen us all and that humanity has no other option than measured but geographically unlimited solidarity.

How to act? I will soon publish here a survey of possible actions. If you wish to propose others, contact me at this address: